DerbySoft Cares

“We are very proud to have been a small part of the efforts to help ensure the safety of many individuals and to help slow the spread of this nasty virus. We will continue to do everything within our power to help our industry overcome this virus and thrive in the near future. “– Keith Cotton

When it became clear that the COVID-19 pandemic was going to slam the hospitality industry, DerbySoft’s management laid out two simple guiding principles: keep employees safe and continue to support our customers throughout the crisis. Based in Dallas and with employees across 11 countries, the company was already set up to work remotely so it was one of the first in the industry to switch to a complete work from home environment.  All support and account management continued uninterrupted, using the secure systems already in place.

Like most other companies within the travel industry, we welcomed discussions with our customers, vendors and partners regarding various ways in which we could help each other through this crisis.  Unfortunately, because we make our living based on net hotel reservations, we were feeling just as much of a negative impact as our customers and it limited our ability to assist financially.

However, we were able to help in some unique ways as opportunities arose during the early stages of the coronavirus situation.  Most travel industry personnel know that a lot of the Chinese population had already been wearing face masks on a regular basis well before COVID-19, primarily because of air quality issues.  As a result, there was plenty of supply for face masks in the Chinese marketplace.

As the crisis quickly evolved in the Wuhan province, the supply of face masks in that region was quickly depleted.  But because of our established presence in China, DerbySoft was able to secure thousands of face masks and arrange for them to be sent to various locations in dire need in Wuhan such as schools and hospitals.

In addition, working with a coalition of other travel industry leaders, DerbySoft contributed to the fight against the virus by donating funds to sterilize hotels that housed first responders. This meant that frontline workers could come back to a clean environment and that hotels could be safely cleaned and used for triage facilities as needed.  And as hotels slowly reopened, guests could feel confident that the hotel rooms and facilities had been properly sanitized.

The above was an Op-Ed piece written by Keith Cotton, Managing Director at DerbySoft, and was recently published in Hospitality Upgrade Summer 2020 issue.

DerbySoft Partners with BnBerry to Provide Seamless Access to Airbnb and Vrbo

The leading provider of high-performance distribution services to the hospitality industry, DerbySoft is hyper-focused on the connectivity it builds and maintains between a hotel company’s CRS and the platforms of distributors and suppliers of travel-related services. As DerbySoft is constantly sourcing new partners to deliver even more value to its customers worldwide, the company is pleased

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DerbySoft Acquires Leading Travel Trade Marketplace, PKFARE

DALLAS, TX, April 11, 2024 — DerbySoft, an innovative global technology company that connects suppliers with distributors and offers a variety of solutions for the hospitality and travel industries, announced today it has acquired PKFARE, a global leading travel trade marketplace. This milestone transaction brings together two industry leaders, enhancing capabilities and offerings to serve

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DerbySoft Designated as Premier Connectivity Partner for 2024 from

DALLAS, TX, APRIL 10, 2024— DerbySoft, an innovative global technology company that connects suppliers with distributors and offers a variety of solutions for the hospitality and travel industries, announced today it has been named Premier Connectivity Partner for 2024 by The Premier Connectivity Partner Award confirms that the DerbySoft Connectivity teams, including Client Managers,

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